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Moving Beyond Hesitation: How Faithfulness Unlocks Joy in Your Calling

We want to help business owners and leaders find true joy in their success and in faithfully pursuing their God-given calling, even in uncertain times.

Christian Business

Many of us start businesses with big dreams—visions of providing for our families, breaking free from cycles of generational poverty, or creating lasting legacies. While there are many motivations for pursuing entrepreneurship, for Christians, it also involves a calling—a sense that God has a specific plan for our lives. This plan may lead us to meet unfulfilled needs in the world, contributing to His kingdom through our work.

However, these dreams can often be derailed by passive willfulness. While willfulness is usually associated with stubbornness and refusal to listen, passive willfulness is the quiet resistance to fully stepping into God's calling. It’s a reluctance to commit, a hesitance to act because we’re waiting for guarantees before we trust Him completely.

Like Moses at the burning bush, many of us question God’s calling. We ask for security, success, or clarity before we are willing to act. But this hesitation—this passive willfulness—keeps us from experiencing the fullness of our calling and can turn what should be a joy into a burden.

Faithfulness, on the other hand, requires full commitment. It’s not about having all the answers or guarantees upfront; it’s about trusting God in every role He gives us. Success, from a faith perspective, isn’t measured by worldly achievements but by how faithful we are in living out the responsibilities He’s placed in our lives.

So, where are you being passively willful in your business? Are there areas where fear, uncertainty, or a desire for control are holding you back from fully embracing God’s plan? True joy comes when we release these fears, commit fully to faithfulness, and trust God’s provision and guidance.

When we step away from passive willfulness and embrace faithfulness, we often find that the obstacles we thought were insurmountable begin to fall away. Let go, trust His plan, and find true joy in your calling.


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