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How Christians Can Think About the Election

Elections can be incredibly polarizing, but as believers, we can live peaceful lives that glorify God, even amid unrest.

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Prayer & Reflection

Before diving into the specifics of candidates and issues, it is helpful for Christians to set aside time for prayer and fasting. This may mean calling on God for wisdom and diligently viewing matters from a higher, more thoughtful perspective than partisan debates allow. Questions such as, “How will my vote reflect God’s love and justice?” and “What are the consequences for myself and others, particularly the most vulnerable in society?” can also enrich the decision-making process.

Find Scriptural Basis on Major Concerns

While not all modern political issues are directly addressed in Scripture, there are principles that provide a relevant framework. For example, values like justice, mercy, and truth can help prioritize policies or issues. Christians can look to passages like Micah 6:8, which calls us to "act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God,” as a guide in assessing the character and policies of candidates. Studying how Jesus used power and served others might also inform our understanding of what biblical leadership should look like.

Engage the Election with Love and Brotherhood

Political discussions can easily become divisive, especially on social media. As Christians, we are called to dialogue, confront, and debate with respect, even when we disagree. Jesus emphasized loving our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:31), which includes those with differing views. Rather than labeling others or thinking negatively about them, we can strive to bring compassion into our conversations.

Be Informed and Logical

In a world filled with news—and sometimes misinformation—it’s crucial to be informed and think critically. Christians must research issues and candidates from credible sources. A Christian perspective allows for thoughtful policy analysis, considering both practical impacts and moral implications. Guarding against echo chambers can help us broaden our understanding and avoid being swayed purely by party affiliation.

Never Lose Sight of the End Goal

For believers, ultimate hope is not in political leaders or governments but in God, upon whom all wisdom is built. While elections are significant, they do not define the Kingdom of God. This perspective offers comfort and a sense of purpose, even if election results are disappointing. Jesus spoke of a kingdom “not of this world” (John 18:36), reminding believers that, while we live in this world, our highest allegiance is to God’s Kingdom.

Promote Faithful Action Beyond Voting

Voting is just one civic responsibility. Christians are called to express their beliefs through actions that benefit society, such as advocating for justice and supporting policies that align with moral values. This involves a continued commitment to social good beyond the election.


Election seasons can be tense, but they provide an opportunity for Christians to reflect on their values. By approaching the political process with prayer, biblical wisdom, compassion, and unity, we can engage in voting with grace and faith. Although this path may be challenging, a Christian perspective enables believers to exercise this democratic right in a manner consistent with Scripture.

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